
       Break The Stigma Revolution!!!

Coming May 2016

More information will be available soon:) "Break the Stigma Revolution TM" is our initiative to take place May 2016. We will have more information in the coming months. Should you be interested in launching a "Break the Stigma Revolution" in your hometown please feel free to contact us so we can add you to our list. Once we have all of the particulars in how the initiative will be ran we will contact you with the information. TY for your interest.


Fundraising Campaign

Tell Our Story – Change a Life Initiative

Tell our Story initiative and fundraiser is your chance to spread the word and Break the Stigma of mental health. Telling our story as a caregiver and/or a person who struggles with mental health and/or addictions is one of the most powerful things we can offer someone who is a caregiver and/or who struggles with addictions and/or mental health.


When I first heard the incredibly powerful words of Maya Angelou “there is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you,” it made me think of one of my favorite scriptures in the Bible. “They overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony” (Revelation 12:11). This is why I would like to offer you a platform to share your story. I believe by telling your story - it will not only be a way for you to heal, but it can also provide the beginning steps for someone else to be willing to share their story and for them to begin to heal as well. I also once heard someone else say, “The most important thing about your story is not telling it, but living it!” (unknown). This is true too, because unless you live it there is no story to tell and if there is no story to share people will continue to stay stuck. One thing I do know for sure, there are many hurting people in this world. Many are hurting in silence, because they feel as if they are the only ones going through what ever it is they are going through. When in reality we are all going through something.

 If you have a story to share and are interested in doing so this is another way for you to give back to those who struggle with mental health and/or addictions. By sharing your story it will be included in our Share Our Story – Change a Life Initiative. The purpose of this fundraising initiatives is to help raise funds to help aid those who are struggling, but may not have the funds for testing, purchase supplements (if necessary) and other possible needs in relation to their individual protocol to support their root causes. However, the funds will also be utilized for marketing, advocacy efforts, and educational material and to help with general expenses of running a non-profit. 100% of the net profits of the book proceeds will go back into A.V.O.I.D. as described above.

 Below is the initial details to include in your story for our next edition:

  • Story (minimum 250 words – max no limit).
  • Any reference/resources that has been helpful to you through your process.
  • You can live anywhere in USA or other countries is fine too. (We had people in Australia and England share in previous books).
  • You must have your information to me no later than the due date (TBD) and respond ASAP so I can give the publisher a head count of those who are interested.
  • Write from you heart. Do not worry about it being perfect we will make sure grammar is correct before publishing.

Each person will share their story: Be realistic, make sure you include the real life issues you are dealing with. If you use any form of holistic protocols please include; such as nutrition, probiotics, supplements, recipes, lifestyle changes, and/or changes in home products etc... After each story there will be a journal section for the reader to take notes and journal any pieces of golden nuggets you have to offer them. Include self care, family care and how you are able to juggle life in general. Any helpful hints is appreciated.

Resources: If you have books, websites, blogs, facebook pages,(your own) etc.. please include these as well. Any webpages, organizations (local and national) and/or books etc that has been beneficial to you. Again any holistic resources. I will be including your own personal and/or organizational resources on my website under resources. If you have books I will also include them in our online book store on the website and blog.

Positive Encouraging Word: Anything that has helped you through, an encouraging word, a quote, a scripture, and/or a prayer.

 Our next fundraising project is for those who struggle with addictions and/or mental/emotional health. To be a part of our next Book/Journal for those who struggle contact us through our contact us page. The title is "Testify” The publish date is: November 2015

If interested go to our contact us page and send us your information so we may contact you about this opportunity.

We offer a plethora of possible solutions beyond the scope of this journal, resource guide and website, therefore if you or your loved one has an addiction and/or mental health struggle the best way to contact us through our contact page.

“Lord when I am at my wits end I know I can always rely on you to be there to pick me up and/or just hug me and love me exactly where I am, until I am ready to get up and go at it again. I just wanted to say thank you for never leaving me or failing me in my time of need. Place my feet always on the path you have chosen for me so that I may be called your good and faithful servant when I arrive in heaven on the day you call me home” ~ Debbie Hutchinson


                                 Green Box Label Project

Our first call to action is to collect signatures for our "Green Box Label Project." This project is to petition the FDA to place a "green box" on every psychiatric drug label. Some of these drugs deplete vital nutrients, while others affect the whole body system. Many people with mental/emotional and addiction struggles experience poor nutrition to begin with - the medication only exasperates the issue and hinders the individual from receiving adequate nutrition. 

It is vitally important for the immune system to be supported throughout ones course of treatment. Adequate nutrition is warranted due to the fact that it is nutrients which support and create our biochemistry through metabolic pathways. Without these important nutrients the system is sure to not function optimally; ultimately, causing long-term health related issues.

These effects can be extreme! Zoloft for example; can deplete melatonin. Clozairl (clozapine) causes agranulocytosis (depletion of white blood cells), which seriously damages the immune system. We feel these long-term harmful effects are significant enough to warrant the patients Right to Know!  Therefore, providing important nutrient facts and what nutrients are being depleted within a Green Box Label on every pharmaceutical drug is warranted and having this critical piece of information where it is easily accessible for the patient is a must!

We are working to make the petition available soon through change.org. Therefore, at this time you can go to our contact page and send us your information. Please express in the comments your desire to include your signature and email once the petition is complete. Should you have any further questions it will be our pleasure to answer them for you. NOTE: your name or email is not shared or sold to anyone else it is only used in the case of this petition.

Click to                               We will send you an email notification once the campaign begins through change.org website.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month and it is also the time we have chosen to initiate our annual campaigns. This year is our "Green Box Label Project" To support this years campaign go to our contact us page and send your request to be added to the campaign to petition the FDA. See details below!

May 2015 ~ Green Box Label Project

May 2016 ~ Break the Stigma Revolution!

Fundraising Campaign:          Tell our Story - Change a Life Initiative! 


Nutritional Wisdom....

"Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, serving as overseers – not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not greedy for money, but eager to serve; not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock.  And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away." (1 Peter 5:2-4, NIV).


# of signatures for the Green Box Label Project™:35